No, no a thousand times no.....
the mere fact that you're asking this question says that you're just about where you need to be in order for God to help you. You see, as long as we think we're alright and we haven't done much, we think we don't need to seek God, so then God is unable to help us. But the scripture encourages us:
Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
The price that Jesus Christ paid was a tremendous price, but the good thing is that there is nothing beyond the reach of the payment that was rendered, no sin or transgression that was not covered when the payment of His precious blood was made.
He Paid It All
So, you certainly have not gone too far. All that is needed for you to do is to turn to Jesus now, and ask Him to come into your heart. Please pray this prayer with me:
God, thank you for showing me my need to be saved, and thank you for providing me an escape from the penalty of sin. Jesus, come into my heart and be the Lord of my life, I repent of my sin and receive your loving sacrifice as my own. Thank You.
If you prayed this prayer, please email us and let us know how the site has impacted you, and allow us to pray your continued strength in the Lord.
God Bless